Thursday, January 9, 2020
Adaptive Social Behaviors, Conformity, Compliance And...
Adaptive Social Behaviours Conformity, compliance and obedience are a set of adaptive social behaviours that one makes use of to get by in daily social activities. They are all some form of social influence, which causes a change in a particular person or group’s behaviour, attitude and/or feelings (Cialdini, 2000, 2006). Various forms of social influence have been used for a variety of reasons; sometimes to help individuals stray from harmful behaviour such as smoking; other times [not as altruistic as the latter] to sway customer decisions towards consumerism. Such changes in behaviour require systematic approaches that can be in the shape of direct personal requests; or more subtle and elaborate commercials and political campaigns. Direct efforts geared at changing another’s overt behaviour require persuasion; and are often described as compliance [seeking compliance]; which involves specific requests that are answerable by simple answers such as â€Å"Yes†, â€Å"No†or â€Å"M aybe†. Other behavioural etiquettes sometimes require the impact of a set of rules, such as [formally] speed signs, or [informally] public space rules [staring at strangers is seen as inappropriate]; this type of influence is known as conformity, which is generally believed to be an integral part of social life. Obedience as a form of social influence tends to take a more straightforward [abrupt] approach as it involves direct orders or commands from a superior. Conformity: Pressure to behave in ways deemedShow MoreRelatedLearning Theory : Classical Conditioning Of Observational Learning Essay2439 Words  | 10 Pagesinfluence individual social interactions? Yes, close friendships have influence on social interactions such as social activity level, mood, weight, political views, new friends, health, mortality, etc., which can be explained through the social learning theory; classical conditioning of observational learning. 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